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My 25 truths that I hope will inspire you to create a life that you cannot wait to wake up to!
Life is short What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger We are animals and part of nature. The more time you spend outside, the more connected you will feel to yourself and to everything. Embrace fear. Stepping out of your comfort zone physically is a sure fire way to...

Quick Breathing Tips for Enhanced Health!
You have heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” That is not entirely true. You are not just what you eat, but what (nutrients) you absorb. And just because you take deep breaths does not mean the oxygen is actually getting to your tissues! When our bodies are...

Are bad habits dimming your light?
I just finished another month of teaching and training at Rancho la Puerta in Tecate Mexico. It is a true honor to be able to do what I love at the world’s oldest and most popular fitness and wellness spas. I am often asked what it is like to live and work at a spa....

2 Seconds to Action!
I really wanted to title this - 2 Seconds to Get Your Ass in Gear :) This is a continuation of my New Beginnings November newsletter: New beginnings can be scary - because change is scary. But new beginnings are also exciting! Did you see what I did there? I changed...

Mindfulness lessons from a recovering asana junkie (Part 2): Strength in stepping back and being a student
Strength is defined as: "the state or quality of being physically or mentally strong. 2. the ability to withstand or exert great force, stress, or pressure. 3. something that is regarded as being beneficial or a source of power." The idea of strength has changed for...

Mindfulness Lessons From a Recovery Asana Junkie (Part 1): Inner stillness is the key to outer strength
"Inner stillness is the key to outer strength" 13 years ago I would have (internally) rolled my eyes at that quote. I was a devout "Yogini," or rather, "Asana Junkie," hitting the mat 4-6 days a week and sometimes taking 2 classes in a row (3 hours!). To me, outer...

Be Your Own Guru: What I learned from spending 3 days with Laird Hamilton, Gabby Reece, and Brian Mackenzie.
Laird Hamilton, Gabby Reece and Brian Mackenzie are legends in the extreme sport biz. They recently combined forces and created XPTlife, a complete fitness-lifestyle program that includes bodyweight, gym and water workouts, combined with breathing and active recovery...

5 Tips To Stay Healthy And Balanced As A Busy Entrepreneur
My friend, Tamara Jacobi AKA "Jungle Girl" is the founder of Tailwind Jungle Lodge, an eco-retreat center here in San Pancho, Mexico. This jungle lodge idea was sparked from a college course, which she in turn made into a reality by literally building it, rock by...

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe – 3 ways to raise your vibration TODAY!
We have all heard the expression, "Your vibe attracts your tribe." But did you know that is physiologically true? At a basic level we are all energy, and energy has power, positive and negative. LIKE literally attracts LIKE. Your vibration sets off a chain reaction...

Scar – A Love Story
Scars usually are the result of a good story - not "good" as in smiley-face emoji's and fairy tales, but good in the sense of having overcome a fear or a seemingly impossible challenge by facing some physical, mental or emotional demon. Good as in The Heroes Journey....
Grinta – Hanging Tough
Grinta- Italian - meaning to "hang tough" Manuel, an ex pro Grand Tour racer and lead guide for our InGamba Portugal trip, points twice to his back tire and says "Just focus on the wheel." I take a deep breathe as I slip my hands into the drops and pull up within 3...
2 Quick Crunchy Nibbles
I love all things crunchy and salty - and let's be honest, sweet too. Here are 2 super quick recipes that I whip up on a weekly basis. Broccoli "Fries" - These baked little trees are surprisingly delicious. I even have made these for house guests and there is...

Fighting Fear ~ Building Confidence with Passion and Action!
New Year’s 1996, I moved up to Marin to be a Taebo instructor. I was thrilled that I was to be one of only 3 Taebo instructors outside of Billy Blank’s studio in Hollywood. I was mentored by Will Yun Lee.. yeah that guy from Wolverine. I had only been doing Taebo for...

The Busy Epidemic + A quick exercise to break the cycle.
I have a confession to make: I used to feel like a wasn't good enough. Not because I didn't have a certain job, or owned houses and cars, etc. But because I wasn't as busy as everyone else in my community. Oh, I started out busy. There was a time when I was personal...

COCONUTS – Certified “Awesome”
If I could certify my favorite things as "AWESOME", Coconuts would be at the top of my list. My fondest childhood memories are of visits to family in Hawaii. Stringing leis with Tutu (my grandmother), fishing and snorkeling off my uncle's boat and huge meals of Kalbi...

Take Action On Your Dream Life!
Have you ever sat down and really thought about what you want your life to look like? When you were little I bet you had some fun dreams - where you dancing in the Nut Cracker, or jumping out of airplanes putting out forest fires? When I was 5, I had typical...

Tea It Up!
I grew up baking with Mom and Grandmother. We were the family that handed out home-made sweet breads, pies and dozens of different kinds of cookies to friends, family, and my parents' co-workers. Our holiday baking sessions were more like missions. It was days and...

Lessons from Buddhism’s Super Bowl MVP – H.H Dalai Lama
Last summer I had the great fortune to travel to Ladakh, India and attend the “Super Bowl” of Buddhist ceremonies, The Kalachakra Initiation, presented by H.H Dalai Lama. Just for the record, I am not Buddhist, although I do tend to gravitate towards Buddhism's simple...